Become a licensed adviser
In this section
To become a licensed immigration adviser you must meet the requirements set out in the Immigration Adviser Competency Standards 2016 or the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 1997.
To become a licensed immigration adviser for the first time you must either have completed an approved qualification or entry course, or be registered as a migration agent in Australia.
How to apply for an initial licence
To get a New Zealand immigration adviser licence under the Immigration Advisers Licensing Act 2007, you need to submit an online application with the Immigration Advisers Authority (IAA).
Apply as an Australian registered migration agent
If you’re registered with the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority (OMARA) in Australia, you can apply for a New Zealand immigration adviser licence using the process set out in the TTMRA.
Licensing toolkit
Provides guidance on the licensing requirements for licensed immigration advisers seeking to renew or upgrade their licence.
Supervision toolkit
This toolkit sets out the Immigration Advisers Authority’s guidance relating to supervision.
Apply now
To obtain a licence, you need to submit an online application with the Immigration Advisers Authority.
Follow your application
You can use the IAA online portal to see the status of your application, and view your past applications.