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Immigration Advisers Authority Announcement

Our online services will be offline from 11am on Friday 31 January to Monday 3 February as we upgrade to the new Immigration Advisers register. Renew your licence now to avoid disruption. Upgrade to Immigration Advisers Authority register coming soon

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For migrants

The Immigration Advisers Authority is responsible for protecting people who receive immigration advice. By law, only certain people are allowed to give New Zealand Immigration advice - they are known as licensed advisers.

The Immigration Advisers Authority issues licenses to people who are fit and competent to give immigration advice. Only licensed immigration advisers (and a small number of exempt people) can provide Immigration Advice about New Zealand. It is a criminal offence for anyone else to provide you with immigration advice.

The Immigration Advisers Authority is New Zealand's official source to help you:

  • Find a licensed immigration adviser in our public register(external link)
  • Check if a person is currently licensed and find their details
  • Make a complaint about any immigration advice or immigration adviser (either licensed or unlicensed)
  • Find answers about using a licensed immigration adviser through our online guides and resources

If you are seeking further help or advice, please consider looking at the following pages for specific information.

Note – We (Immigration Advisers Authority) are separate from Immigration New Zealand (INZ) and cannot help you with your visa application or immigration matter. To discuss your immigration status or the progress of your application contact Immigration New Zealand.(external link)
