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Immigration Advisers Authority Announcement

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2021 Reference Group Update - Invitations for Expressions of Interest

Further to our announcement in the October Newsletter, we now invite expressions of interest from licensed immigration advisers to join our 2021 Reference Group. This is open to both New Zealand and overseas based advisers.

Meetings will be held virtually via video conferencing software (such as Zoom). The Registrar will convene and chair all reference group meetings. Details of virtual meetings will be sent to members and guests in advance.

The purpose of the Licensed Advisers Reference Group is to help immigration adviser licensing to work better for advisers through their regular input.

We will select licensed immigration advisers from across the licensed adviser community. Immigration New Zealand representative(s) and other invitees may also attend the meetings.

Successful applicants will need to commit to attending at a minimum, three (3) virtual meetings during the year.  These meetings will last approximately 2 hours.

Meeting dates will be notified to members of the Reference Group no less than 2 weeks before the meeting.

To register your interest, please email us at info@iaa.govt.nz  by 21 January 2021 with “Reference Group” in the subject line.

Please include a covering letter (or include in your email) identifying how you might meet the criteria below. In your email or cover letter please also tell us:

  • Are you a member or board representative of any relevant industry body?
  • How many years of experience do you have as an immigration adviser or are you a new entrant into the industry?
  • Are you a member of any local industry groups?
  • Are you currently a supervisor? If so, how many provisional licence holders do you supervise?
  • Are you a registered Migration Agent?
  • Are you based offshore? If so, where?
  • Do you work in industries closely associated to the provision of immigration advice? Ie education, recruitment, HR
  • What qualities do you possess which would contribute to the effective operations of the reference group?
  • The size of the business you work for.
  • What areas of immigration you mainly work in?
  • What current issues relating to the Authority’s work you are interested in discussing?

Please refer to the Reference Group Terms of reference [PDF, 279 KB] available here before you submit an expression of interest.

You must also provide a completed conflict of interest declaration form with your expression of interest. Please refer to attachment 1 of the aforementioned Terms of Reference.

Criteria guidelines

In considering reference group membership, the Authority will use the following criteria as a guide.

Criterion Group Composition
Relevance of technical skills and knowledge Membership will reflect the specialist technical skills and knowledge required to support the reference group
Personal attributes Members should have good team work, listening, and problem solving skills, be results-oriented and open-minded (i.e. informed but not constrained by past experiences and current ways of working).
Experience and Credibility It is essential that the Group be respected as being capable of delivering high quality advice, and that individual members are seen as being capable of making a positive contribution. Consequently, a good track record/reputation is important.
Links into relevant initiatives Where appropriate, the Group will include members with connections into other relevant initiatives to identify potential synergies, avoid duplication of effort, and share/build expertise.
Time and ability to contribute To provide assurance of their ability to make time available to contribute, members must be able to commit to the schedule of meetings.
No detrimental conflicts of interest Conflicts of interest will be managed by way of disclosure. It is essential that members do not have any conflicts of interest that may interfere with their ability to contribute objectively.

