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Immigration Advisers Authority Announcement

New Immigration Advisers online portal is now available: Set up your login

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New Immigration Advisers Authority online portal release delayed

The scheduled upgrade of the Immigration Advisors Authority (IAA) online portal, due to be released on 3 February, has been delayed.

Technical issues have prevented us from completing our planned upgrade to the IAA online portal on 3 February 2025. 

We have temporarily restored access to the existing IAA register and portal while we work to resolve these issues. 

We will share more information on the release of the new online portal when it becomes available. 

Licence renewals for February and March 

Due to the delay with the release of the new IAA online portal, we have resumed the renewal round for February 2025, and have opened the renewal round for March 2025.  

If your licence is due to expire in February or March, we encourage you to submit your renewal applications as soon as possible. Your licence will remain valid as long as you have made your renewal application on or before its expiry date. 

Licence cards and certificates 

As of 3 February 2025, we have stopped issuing physical licence cards and certificates. If you have a current physical ID card and certificate, you can continue using this until it expires. 

When the new IAA online portal is live, digital licences will be available for all licensed immigration advisers. These can be downloaded directly from the new IAA online portal at no cost.

The delayed release of the new IAA online portal may mean that you will not have a current physical licence card, physical certificate, or digital licence for a short period of time. If this happens, you can provide clients with a screenshot of your current public profile on the IAA register to meet the requirement under clause 14 of the Code of Conduct. 

More information about our changeover to digital licences is in our news article: 

Digital licences are coming February 2025 
