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Developing a supervision agreement

Under Clause 11 of the Code, a provisional licence holder and their supervisor must have a supervision agreement in place that is approved by the Registrar.

The provisional licence applicant must develop a supervision agreement with their proposed supervisor and provide a signed copy of their agreement to the Registrar for approval with their licence application.

All supervision agreements must contain:

  • the full legal names and contact details of each party to the agreement
  • the purpose of the agreement
  • details of the supervision arrangement, including details of how direct supervision will take place
  • the agreement of the employer of the provisional licence holder and/or the supervisor, where either parties are not the employer
  • what the charges for the supervision arrangement are, including if there are no fees to be charged
  • a professional development plan for the provisional licence holder
  • the roles and responsibilities of the provisional licence holder and the supervisor
  • agreement by both parties to abide by the Code
  • any conflicts of interest either party may have, or close personal relationship the two parties may have with each other and how they will manage these
  • agreement on how disputes will be resolved
  • agreement to keep records relating to the supervision arrangement for inspection by the Authority
  • a notice period for termination by either party
  • the date and signatures of both parties and the provisional licence holder’s employer (if this is not the supervisor) and the supervisor’s employer (if applicable). 

Model supervision agreement

The Authority has developed a model supervision agreement. However, it is important that you tailor this to accurately reflect the actual agreement between the provisional licence holder and the supervisor.

Remember that all supervision agreements must contain:

  • any supervision fee to be charged or a note that there will be no charges
  • how often the provisional licence holder and supervisor will meet
  • a professional development plan for the provisional licence holder.

So you don’t have to seek approval for an new supervision agreement in the event your supervisor is unavailable, it is strongly recommended that the supervision agreement includes an alternative full licence holder to act in the supervision role in the absence of the primary supervisor.

Download the Model Provisional Licence Supervision Agreement below
