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Immigration Advisers Authority Announcement

Our online services are offline from 11am Friday 21 February until 1pm Monday 24 February as we upgrade to the new Immigration Advisers register. We apologise for any inconvenience.

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How do I find a supervisor/provisional licence applicant?

Whether you are looking for a supervisor, or someone to supervise, it is vital that you approach it in a respectful and professional way and expect a professional relationship. Both parties should approach it as they would employment and expect a professional CV, cover letter and interview.

Provisional licence applicants looking for a supervisor

Provisional licence applicants who are looking for a supervisor can:

  • Check Te Pūkenga |Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology’s student forum for advertisements
  • Approach immigration adviser professional organisations who could potentially put them in contact with a supervisor
  • Network at industry group events
  • Approach licensed immigration advisers in their area with a professional cover letter and CV and expect that if a person is interested they would first conduct an interview with you.

Provisional licence applicants should expect that they will need to approach a number of advisers before being successful. If they are having difficulty, it may be helpful to consider getting some training on how to prepare a CV and cover letter and how to interview well.

Supervisors looking for a provisional licence applicant

Supervisors who are looking for a provisional licence applicant to supervise can advertise directly to Te Pūkenga |Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology’s students.

Advertisements must contain the following information:

  • name and contact details of the company or organisation (often on company letterhead)
  • name and details of the contact person
  • description of the supervision being offered (including location)
  • description of the type of person required
  • dates e.g. when posted, when applications close, potential start date (optional).

This type of advertisement will be posted on Te Pūkenga |Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology’s student programme page along with a disclaimer that Te Pūkenga |Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology and members of the Immigration teaching team take no responsibility for the details contained in the advertisements and will not act in any way for either the student or the employers.  

Email Appley Boyd to place an advertisement.

Supervisors may also approach their immigration adviser professional organisation which may be able to advertise available supervisors to its members.

Consider a provisional licence applicant as you would a prospective employee - expect a professional cover letter and CV and to interview the person.
