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Immigration Advisers Authority Announcement

Online services will be unavailable from 9:00pm Wednesday 12 March 2025 (NZDT). Normal services should resume from 11:00pm Wednesday 12 March 2025 (NZDT). We apologise for any inconvenience.

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Continuing professional development

Advisers must complete 20 hours of relevant and acceptable continuing professional development (CPD) activities each licensing period to help them maintain and develop their skills and knowledge as an immigration adviser.


Log continuing professional development (CPD)

You can enter and update your plan and record via the Immigration Advisers Authority (IAA) online portal.

Log CPD online

Upload your CPD documentation

You can use the Immigration Advisers Authority (IAA) online portal to upload copies of your CPD documentation to the record of your licence in the IAA register. To do this, your login profile must be linked to that record.

To set up a link between your login profile and the record of your licence, please see our guidance on your login profile.

Your login profile

Follow these steps to add your CPD documentation to your record.

  1. Log into the IAA online portal. This will bring you to your Dashboard.
  2. Under the My portfolio tab on the right of the screen, select the licence record you would like to update.
  3. In the record details page, click the Lodge general document drop-down box and select the Continuing Professional Development > CPD Document option. This will allow you to upload a copy of your CPD plan and record to that record.

Competency standards

Competency standard 7 of the Immigration Advisers Competency Standards sets out the following requirements for advisers in regard to CPD: 

  • 7.1 Advisers must maintain an acceptable continued professional development (CPD) plan and record for each 12-month licensing period. What must be included in an acceptable CPD plan and record is notified on the Immigration Advisers Authority’s website.
  • 7.2 Advisers must complete at least 20 hours of acceptable professional development activities, including any mandatory activities, during each 12 month licensing period. Acceptable and mandatory professional development activities are those notified on the Immigration Advisers Authority’s website.
  • 7.3 Advisers must retain, and produce upon request, their CPD plan and record for each licensing period that commenced after 26 November 2015, up to a maximum of 3 years.

CPD requirements

The CPD requirements are set out in the Continuing Professional Development Toolkit (CPD Toolkit) in accordance with Competency Standard 7. Advisers must read the CPD Toolkit in order to understand the CPD requirements.

Continuing professional development toolkit

Acceptable and mandatory activities

The Authority requires advisers to undertake certain mandatory CPD activities. Acceptable and mandatory professional development activities are those set out in the CPD Toolkit.

Minimum hours and mandatory activities

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